Monday, June 21, 2010

Fathers' Day

Wow. I can't believe it's fathers day already. Well I guess there is no reason to worry since I'm going somewhere with a pool. I've been craving to go somewhere with a pool. So today we went to my uncle's house so we could celebrate all the dads in the family. Well, at least the dads in my moms family. I hate the fact that my mom only cares about what she wants. It's never about what we want. Like every day she has to scream at us just because she doesn't like that there's dust on the t.v.,and it's not even that much. Woah, I got off topic, sorry. Anyways, when I got there, one of my younger cousins, probably about 10 or 11, was about to get inside the pool. In my head I was like "yes! right on time". I hate doing things alone, well most things. My uncle's yard had been redone. Before there was like only one way to get to the house from the trampoline which was at the bottom. They have like a mountain like yard, it's like in layers. They've also put in like a small tree house next to the pool. No one jumped from it, well only one ,but I'll talk about him later. Sorry if any of this is like mushed up. I'm just excited. So I decide to eat before I go in because I always get like leg cramps because I've been growing, a lot. The food was mouth watering! There was chicken, cheesecake, brownies, and like fruit and stuff. I was stuffed after. So I waited so like I won't get like a stomach get a cramp. And while I was waiting, two of my cousins show up. One of them is like 17 or 18 and the other one is thirteen. Me and my younger cousin waited for them two and we decided to wait for them next to the trampoline. While we were there we saw them go to their truck. I told my cousin "Woah! what are they gonna do while they change in the same car." My cousin says "oh, they're gay. Well, at least Ernesto is." Ernesto is the 17 or 18 year old. I thought he just meant it as a joke, but he just looked at me. I asked him how did he know and he said that when he came over to his house he saw him jacking off with another guy in the back. In my head I was like no way but yet it was obvious. So after hearing that news, my head started building with questions. Are the rest of them gay? Could that be possible? So they weren't acting?! so we got to the pool and when they got in, I couldn't help to notice Kevin's abs! Kevin is the 13 year old and he jumped from the little tree house. I couldn't stop staring and he's one year younger than me because I turn 14 this year. For a while we played "Marco Polo" and then we started swimming races.I got out early because I got cold and I was about to get a cramp. Soon every one got out to and we went inside the house where some of my cousins were playing call of duty. It was only the four of us, I think. When it was almost my turn, my family wanted to leave. I could not sleep that night. I was to surprised that my cousin is gay like me! I wonder if it is in the family.

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