Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Ghost Whisperer

Today my cousins went to my uncle's house so I was like I have the T.V. to myself! And Ghost Whisperer was on!! It was sad. It was the one where the plane crashes and melinda's friend dies and I was like NOOOOOOO!!!!!! I started crying because it was so sad that she didn't know she was dead. Why didn't Melinda warn her about the hat guy in back of her? this sucks. Lets do a remake! Ha... but thats no fair she should have told her.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Six Flags

It's here. The moment you,ve all been waiting for.....Six Flags. So I did decide to go but I wished i hadn't or at least not chickened out. Okay, when everyone woke up, my sister, Iris, the middle one, drove us over there. At first it was okay like "Ooo! Look hot guys 5 o' clock!" But everything change once we hit The Revolution. It was first one we all went to, but my first roller coaster ever. I did not like it. The head thing kept hitting me on the back of my head, I thought the trees around it was gonna crash into it, and I felt awful. Next one we went to or passed by was Deja Vu. I just said I didn't wanna go any more and it turned into a big conflict between me and Iris. She even wanted to drag me by force onto Deja Vu. So in the end she just told me:
"Either you come with me or you can walk out right now and find another way back home because I'm not gonna take you!"

Really?! Just because I don't feel safe on roller coasters means I have to hitch hike back home?! I really wanted to tell her that if she did mom and dad wouldn't forgive them and she would have to move out, she already left. So I went to. Not with her. I walked straight out of there and in to the van that was struck with the sun's boiling rays. About 6 hours Vivi opens the van door. She told me that I shouldn't have left. That after Iris left, she came back because she felt bad or something and they all started looking for me. Well, I guess I won't be going to the next theme park soon. I guess they were eating because when Vivi came, she had a box of Panda Express and gave it to me. When I opened it, there was no fork. I guess this is my punishment. Vivi also said they wouldn't be here 'til a long time and she meant it. Like about four or five hours later they showed up and with FOOD!!!!! I could eat the Panda Express because I had no fork and if all I drink is diet coke in the van, I would have to pee and the only bathrooms are inside and I didn't get a stamp on my hand. So I finally got to taste the funnel cake and never again! It tasted good only that at night I woke up and had to go straight to the bathroom to puke it out. I think it even went through my nose! The End! See Ya..

Friday, June 25, 2010

My Bible!!!

Today we finally got to go to Target!!! My sister Iris drove us there. Iris was checking out baby clothes, the girls were looking for bras, and I was suppose to look for shampoo for my dogs and acne cream, but then I saw the light! I know if it's the last thing any gay person would want, but it was so amazing that I had to buy it. The great nerd beauty was the game manual for Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days. The glory of it was so great, I started calling it my bible, as a joke though. I've unlocked so many things while I had it. I love this book and Kingdom Hearts! Yay Kingdom Hearts!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

The first few days

Okay, so the first few days my cousins came went well. They kept on talking about goin to Target and Six Flags while they were here. Ha! Good luck. It's hard to even get ride to school at my house. They keep telling me to go walking, that I need to build up. And I don't even need the excersize, I'm freakin' skinny, I'm about 120 lbs! That's skinny, right? My sisters need to start walking. They're like 200-250 lbs and they're like:
"Aahh!!! Why can't I loose weight!!"

Maybe because you don't leave your chair and computer alone!!! The oldest one of my sisters like has a laptop and she always has her music like at full blast. It's SOO annoying!! I missed Ghost Whisperer today! Anyone else watch that? Isn't it addicting?! It does matter if you pay attention to it, you still get sucked in to it. My sisters don't like it, actually they don't like me at all. Even if they act like it, it will always come back up the ass.

I don't think I'm gonna go to six flags. I don't care if it's so I can get used to them, I'm not going. One of my biggest fears is heights. Yeah, guess who i got it from. I'll give you twenty seconds. ....................
Well, it isn't my mom or my dad. Its my sisters. Well, we'll see if I go. I might, but I will chicken out. See ya!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Out of the Blue

Okay! Today, my cousin Vivi told me through myspace that she and her sister are gonna come to my house for like a week or two. I'm so excited! Well, for one they're the only relatives that I've told my secret to. And two, we have so much fun together! I still don't remember how we got to be friends. Hmm.... probably when they moved to Bakersfield. I don't remember, but they're so much fun! One time, when they came over, Maria, Vivi's sister, started staring at me and like she made me choke! I couldn't stop because I was like laughing at the same time! Oooohh, good times, GOOD TIMES! I could not wait to like go back home, I think I even told my dad if he could take me back home, but he said no. So now I had to wait until 3:00 to go home. I didn't go right away home. My like works some jobs for my uncle and stuff. It took them like almost a whole hour for them to finish. So when I got there, I got a surprise visit from my pregnant sister. At first we didn't do anything because two of my sisters were there. After they left, I caught them up with my gay life. The huge things that happened like when my sisters found out and how I have a fake life at my house. So like my entire gay life was at school which I can't go back to because I graduated. They also brought a dog with them. His name is Frankie and he's a big chihuahua. Well, since I don't have a room and the living room couch can only fit like 2 sleeping people, I got worried and I don't like sleeping on the floor. So I slept on the couch. Well, until next time.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Fathers' Day

Wow. I can't believe it's fathers day already. Well I guess there is no reason to worry since I'm going somewhere with a pool. I've been craving to go somewhere with a pool. So today we went to my uncle's house so we could celebrate all the dads in the family. Well, at least the dads in my moms family. I hate the fact that my mom only cares about what she wants. It's never about what we want. Like every day she has to scream at us just because she doesn't like that there's dust on the t.v.,and it's not even that much. Woah, I got off topic, sorry. Anyways, when I got there, one of my younger cousins, probably about 10 or 11, was about to get inside the pool. In my head I was like "yes! right on time". I hate doing things alone, well most things. My uncle's yard had been redone. Before there was like only one way to get to the house from the trampoline which was at the bottom. They have like a mountain like yard, it's like in layers. They've also put in like a small tree house next to the pool. No one jumped from it, well only one ,but I'll talk about him later. Sorry if any of this is like mushed up. I'm just excited. So I decide to eat before I go in because I always get like leg cramps because I've been growing, a lot. The food was mouth watering! There was chicken, cheesecake, brownies, and like fruit and stuff. I was stuffed after. So I waited so like I won't get like a stomach get a cramp. And while I was waiting, two of my cousins show up. One of them is like 17 or 18 and the other one is thirteen. Me and my younger cousin waited for them two and we decided to wait for them next to the trampoline. While we were there we saw them go to their truck. I told my cousin "Woah! what are they gonna do while they change in the same car." My cousin says "oh, they're gay. Well, at least Ernesto is." Ernesto is the 17 or 18 year old. I thought he just meant it as a joke, but he just looked at me. I asked him how did he know and he said that when he came over to his house he saw him jacking off with another guy in the back. In my head I was like no way but yet it was obvious. So after hearing that news, my head started building with questions. Are the rest of them gay? Could that be possible? So they weren't acting?! so we got to the pool and when they got in, I couldn't help to notice Kevin's abs! Kevin is the 13 year old and he jumped from the little tree house. I couldn't stop staring and he's one year younger than me because I turn 14 this year. For a while we played "Marco Polo" and then we started swimming races.I got out early because I got cold and I was about to get a cramp. Soon every one got out to and we went inside the house where some of my cousins were playing call of duty. It was only the four of us, I think. When it was almost my turn, my family wanted to leave. I could not sleep that night. I was to surprised that my cousin is gay like me! I wonder if it is in the family.

Life Summary

Okay, during the past two years, I've decided to make the life changing choice that would separate me from the rest. At first I just told a few friends, but then my friends stated doing the only tell one person thing and pretty soon almost half of the eight grade classes knew. A year later my three older sisters, all over their twenties, got a text message from someone who knew my secret and I was immediately confronted. It bothered me that they had to talk to me about it because it was not like something that doesn't happen. It was a perfectly normal choice and they don't understand that. Anyway, by the next year, I've finally graduated from middle school and on to high school and to enjoy my summer vacation.